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These are the fees for patients who do not hold a medical card
Blood tests performed within a doctor's consultation or subsequently performed by the nurse or phlebotomist are charged at €20 (updated Feb 2025). If an ECG is performed this is a further €20.
If the doctor feels you need to be seen in person an additional 10 euro fee will apply. The phone consult fee may not apply if it is in relation to a recent matter discussed with the Dr or results of tests. Those with COVID 19 who require a phone consultation (even if for illness certification purposes )will be charged a phone consultation fee.
Please advise if you feel you need extra time.
If both do not have GMS cards.
Blood tests must be ordered by a Doctor or part of your treatment plan as advised by a Doctor. Higher fee may be charged if test is requested by another service.
Putting on/taking off and Dr consultation.
If advised by other Doctor/Medical Facility.
If advised by practice GP.
Progesterone contraceptive device inserted in arm. Includes consultation appointment, insertion and initial follow up care.
Progesterone contraceptive coil inserted into the uterus. Includes consultation appointment, insertion and initial follow up care/string check.
Subsequent visits relating to maternity care are covered by the mother and baby scheme. Issues unrelated to pregnancy or not part of routine antenatal care are charged at the standard rate.
This includes the initial consultation with the Doctor to ensure your issue will benefit from a joint injection.
These will vary on the specific request.
These are the fees for patients who hold a medical card. Some services are not covered by the GMS contract which was initially drawn up in 1970.
This service is provided free of charge to medical card holders in St Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny (please phone their phlebotomy service and make an appointment). Higher fee may be charged if test is requested by another private service.
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These are required for all drivers over 70 and people with certain medical conditions. Please see the NDLS guidance to see if you need to have a medical assessment for driving.
These are required for all drivers of certain vehicles.
There may be an additional fee if these are more complex or related to fitness to work or occupational health letters.
Department of social protection illness certs are free of charge to the patient.
These procedures are covered by the medical card but this fee is for the sterilised instruments used for insertion.
These are specialised procedures requiring additional training. This service can be provided by the orthopaedic department in University Hospital Waterford free of charge.
These will vary on the specific request.
Including boxing medicals and motor sport medicals.
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