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It has been confirmed that the spring booster campaign commences on 22nd April 2024 and will continue until 31st May 2024. The following groups are eligible for a spring booster:
• those aged 80 years and older.
• those living in long term care facilities for older adults
. • those aged 5 years and older with immunocompromise associated with a suboptimal response to vaccination. NIAC also recommend that the spring booster should be made available for those aged 70-79 years who, following discussion with a healthcare provider, request vaccination.
Recommended intervals are as per the NIAC guidance; however, those eligible may be offered the spring booster at a 3 months interval after their last COVID-19 vaccine or infection to ensure they get their spring booster before the end of May.
While the spring booster programme is aimed for completion by the end of May, it is recognised that in some cases, given the timeframe, vaccinations may run into June. Ideally all spring boosters should be completed by 14th June, this will then allow for a sufficient interval period to elapse, to enable those vaccinated to receive their autumn booster.
If eligible patients from the groups listed above come forward after 14th June, then clinical discretion should be used to assess the risk, benefit and impact on autumn booster timing before administering a spring booster. Pregnant women, in the appropriate stage of pregnancy and where the appropriate time since last dose of vaccine has elapsed, remain eligible for booster doses throughout the year.
COVID 19 has brought about many changes in all our lives. For the safety of staff and patients we usually conduct consultations firstly by phone if a patient has new symptoms of COVID 19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, change in taste or smell or sore throat). Please inform reception staff if you have any of these symptoms.
Since the lifting of restrictions patients can book face to face appointments directly. If there are no appointments available the reception staff will advise you of this and you can be booked for an urgent phone appointment if required.
If you feel your issue is urgent please let reception staff know. Giving a brief description of the matter is helpful to ensure a Doctor gets back to you as soon as possible. If you do not wish to disclose any information to practice staff please just say you have an urgent issue to discuss with the Doctor and you will be phoned back as soon as possible.
Masks are optional. We advise wearing a mask if any respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat etc) or any concerns about COVID or another infectious disease.